This is a partial list of builders working in the Greater Grand Rapids Area from 1860 - on. The emphasis is on history although some contemporary builders/contractors are included because they have worked in buildings included on this website. It is definitely a work in progress. If you know of an architect missing from this list, please use the Contact Form to let me know. Eventually each name will be linked to more information about the architect or builder or to a principal work they designed.
Bert, Joe T. and John Aalsburg Contractors
George T. Appleyard
Armstrong & Company Builders
Bachman Builders
J.O. Barkwell & Barkwell Builders
C.F. Barnes
John Barth & Sons
Battjes Builders
W.A. Bellamy
Edward Bletcher
Bolhuis Builders
Andrew Bolt
Fannie & Fred Boylon
Richard Brooks
George Brower and Son
C. F. Camp
L.M. Conrad & Company
Randall Cooper
Clyde Cowies
James Cusack, R. L. Cusick, Cusick & Phelps
Damstra Builders
George Datema & Son
Decker & Jean
DeVos Construction
Douglas J. Dok, John Leonard Dok III, Dok Builders
Corrie Dykman Builder
John Ebels
E. Eisenach Contractor
Edward J. Esch
Charles Fisher Builder
Nathaniel Fisk
Edward Fletcher
George Framm
John Ganzl Contractor
S.G. Graves
Charles Griggs
Harry Hakes
James Haven Contractor
Bud & Percy Hawkins
G. J. Heckman
A.E. Heintzelman
Ivanek, Barclay M.
Kinsey & Buys
Herman Knoll
James Knowlton
H. Kuiper
Joel Leslie
A.W. Morgan
George Morris
James/Jerry Oldenkamp
L.P. Oltman
Charles Olund
Oosterink Builders
Owens-Ames-Kimball Contractors (also Hauser, Owens & Ames)
L. C. Parmenter
L.K. Parsons & Son
F. W. Richards
H. H. Roelofs
Rumsey & Works
Jordan Sheperd
Spears Lumber
William Spooner
Harry Floyd Stiles, Frederick Edward Stiles
TerVeen Builders
Bert Timmer
William D. Tucker
John Van Oostenbrugge
E.J. Van Sweden